Time-Based Schedules

Custom schedules allow businesses to create conditional call routing based on business hours, holidays, inclement weather, and vacation schedules. Time-based schedules can be used to activate different custom messages, such as after-hours or out-of-office greetings. Administrators can set holidays in advance for the entire year, making it a "set it and forget it" feature.

If you have any questions about our VoIP phone service, pricing, products, or any other inquiries, the team at VoiceCentral is here to help. We will discuss your specific needs and provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision. Contact us today to schedule a meeting and learn more about how we can help optimize your business communication.

Yes, Time-Based call routing can be overridden with a custom star code, providing additional flexibility when needed.

Users can only modify custom schedules for their own extension. If a custom schedule is created for the entire company, such as business hours, only administrators can make changes.

Have Questions? Let's Talk

If you have any questions about our VoIP phone service, pricing, products, or any other inquiries, the team at VoiceCentral is here to help. We will discuss your specific needs and provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision. Contact us today to schedule a meeting and learn more about how we can help optimize your business communication.